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Configuring AppDNA and Analyzing an AppDisk for Compatibility Issues

Application Layering technology is not new now and their are several application layering solution’s available now. the major differentiator between other application layering technologies and Citrix AppDisk is its integration with AppDNA for Delivery group capability analysis. Once created you can test the capability of AppDisk against mutiple XenApp images or delivery groups. This gives an assurance that the application virtualized using AppDisk is going to work with delivery group without going through extensive testing.

Either you have single AppDisk assigned or multiple AppDisk assigned to a delivery group, AppDNA compatibility analysis makes sure that all the assigned AppDisk will work well together. AppDNA integration is a XenApp/XenDesktop Platinum-Only feature.

Before compatibility analysis of AppDisk, AppDNA need to be configured with Studio. Integration of AppDNA with XenApp / XenDesktop is very simple and can be done in few steps. Make sure the connection test passes.


Once AppDisk creation process is completes, the AppDNA compatibility analysis will automatically kick in if AppDNA connection settings are configured. You can also perform AppDNA Capability analysis on the existing AppDisk.  The compatibility analysis is performed against the machine catalog that the preparation machine belongs to.

In this post we will be performing capability analysis on an existing AppDisk.

Login to the Citrix Studio and Select the AppDisk. Click on Analyze AppDisk. You will see option to Analyze AppDisk only after integrating AppDNA with Citrix Studio.


Choose the Machine Catalog and Click on Analyze AppDisk. 34

AppDisk analysis will take some time. Wait for the time till the state changes to Ready.35 36 37 38

Click on View Report to check the Compatibility Analysis report for any issues.39 40

You can also view the reports from within the AppDNA console under the reports section.

This concludes the process to perform capability analysis of an AppDisk using Citrix AppDNA. I hope this will be informative for you. Thanks for Reading!!. Be social and share it in social media, if you feel worth sharing it. Happy Learning 🙂